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Buying A Home Means Much More Than Owning An Asset

Sep 30, 2021 HomeLoan

In India, Real Estate is a popular investment choice. Apart from serving as an asset, it’s a tradition to pass on the house to the next generation. However, is it really just an asset? Just a four-walled structure that provides shelter? We think it’s much more than that

It’s Years Of Hard Work Immortalized In Brick And Mortar

Buying real estate is a difficult job. Right from researching for a convenient place to stay, to adjusting your finances to accommodate EMIs for the home loan that you may take from a bank or a financial institution, it takes lot of efforts to buy a house. So when you get the keys to your house, a real sense of achievement prevails.

It’s An Asset Which Is Passed On Generations After Another

In India, families tend to pass on their property to their kids. This not only reduces the burden of buying a new house for the next generation, but also ensures that the family stays together.

It’s A Place Where Memories Are Made

Your fondest memories will most likely be of helping your mom make ladoos in the kitchen during festivals. Or helping Dad light up the house during Diwali. Or singing a song at the top of your voice and breaking in to an impromptu jig. It’s a place where your kid will take his / her first steps, a place your kids will spend their childhood in.

There’s nothing more relaxing than coming back home after a long vacation. Even if you spend a long time out of your house, you tend to miss the familiar comfort which a house provides. So the next time you go home, breathe in and appreciate the space. After all, there’s a reason they say – ‘Home Sweet Home’.

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